
Giving Thanks for Those Who Care

We're celebrating everyday heroes who help people with diabetes live their best lives through good health.

DIABETES CARE|Nov. 28, 2016

November was Diabetes Awareness Month and National Family Caregivers Month, and Abbott celebrated the everyday heroes who care for those with diabetes and help them live their best lives through good health. We invited you to recognize your own caregivers on social media, giving them a much-deserved shout-out about how they help you live your healthiest life with the hashtag #ThanksforCaring. During a time of year set aside for giving thanks, it offered a way to bring your gratitude to life.

But why not honor caregivers year-round, no matter the month? Below are videos from three special ones who make a difference every day.

"Tall, dark and handsome Ransom is my caregiver and best friend. He is a diabetes alert dog, and his job is to help me manage my diabetes." – Kathleen Fraser

World Diabetes Day: Thank You Caregivers

"I'm enormously grateful there's someone who can gauge those subtle changes and react to them and be proactive, if necessary." – Kathryn Hunt

Keeping the Beat of Caregiving

"Judy is my #1 cheerleader. She's always looking out for me to ensure my blood sugar is on track and I'm at my healthiest." – Jonathan Fern

Celebrating the ‘Everyday Heroes’ of Caregiving