
Living a Full, Healthy Life With Diabetes – At Every Stage

DIABETES CARE|Apr. 06, 2017

Living healthfully with diabetes at every stage in life means being aware of your body's, and your condition's, changing demands as you grow older. These strategies for managing your diabetes at every stage of your development are ways to lower blood sugar and will help keep you at your best. Be sure to test for healthy glucose levels and follow the diabetes management plan set by your healthcare professional.

As a Teenager

  • Get exercise to improve your body's sensitivity to insulin and blood glucose control. Exercise and blood sugar are related.
  • Stay aware of your blood glucose levels when your school or after school activity schedule changes.
  • If meal times become irregular, test your blood glucose to see if your levels are safe or if you need a snack to keep going.
  • If you're trying to lose weight, ask your healthcare professional how testing can help you balance a smaller food intake.

As a Parent

  • Help your child monitor his or her health with regular blood tests done at the clinic and at home.
  • Try not to stress about your child with diabetes. Seek out advice from a healthcare professional.
  • Communicate and work with your child and healthcare professionals to achieve healthy glucose levels.
  • Be supportive and actively look out for signs of depression or tiredness in your child.

As an Adult

  • Keep your blood glucose well controlled to stay energetic.
  • Choose dietary carbohydrates that are higher in fiber and less refined to better manage your blood glucose levels.
  • as it may cause your blood glucose to rise. Staying calm is one of the ways to lower blood sugar.
  • In case you fall sick, make sure to consult with your healthcare professional to have a plan in place.
  • Take care of your feet every day by checking for blisters, cuts or scratches.
  • Keep your feet clean and dry, especially the area between your toes.
  • People with diabetes are at higher risk of developing diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma. Have your eyes checked at least once a year and more often if there are signs of eye disease.

Information provided is for general background purposes and is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment by a trained professional. You should always consult your physician about any healthcare questions you may have, especially before trying a new medication, diet, fitness program, or approach to healthcare issues.