As people age, heart disease is a significant concern for men and women alike. Cardiovascular fitness is not only a good step to improve heart health. It can also help you understand indicators of heart health including heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol.
Cardiovascular Fitness
Cardiovascular fitness or endurance is a measure of how well your body takes in oxygen and delivers it to your muscles and organs when you exercise. If you're wondering how to have a healthy heart, one thing you should think about is how to improve this endurance. A large (and growing) body of research shows that improving your endurance improves your health overall.
Some benefits of improving your endurance include:
How to Measure Your Endurance
The best way to measure your cardiovascular fitness is to measure VO2 Max. This is a measure of how your body consumes and uses oxygen while you exercise. For the most accurate measurement, your doctor can perform a stress test. During the stress test, your doctor has you run or walk on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike. The speed increases until you need to stop or you reach the target heart rate, explains the . The doctor monitors your breathing, heart rhythm and blood pressure.
If you're regularly active, you can get an estimated measurement by doing a test yourself, either the Rockport 1-mile walk test or the Cooper 1.5-mile test. To conduct these tests, you either walk one mile as briskly as you can with no running or walk/run one-and-a-half miles as quickly as you can. You take your pulse and check your time at the end then enter those into a formula to calculate your VO2 Max measurement or use an online calculator like this one provided by to do the math for you.
Do not do any test at home if you get out of breath easily or haven't been running consistently. Your doctor can also measure your VO2 Max (the maximum amount of oxygen you can utilize during exercise) another way if the stress test is too difficult.
How to Have a Healthy Heart
The best way to improve heart health is to improve your cardiovascular fitness. This starts with physical activity. What activities you should engage in all depend on your starting fitness level. If you are sedentary or have physical or health concerns, talk to your doctor to develop a plan to slowly introduce physical activity into your daily routine. Sometimes it can be as simple as parking farther from your building, taking the stairs more often or taking the dog out for a walk one extra time each day.
If you're in good physical shape, you just need to move more. Start by choosing an activity you enjoy and doing it a few days a week. The recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week. That translates to 30 minutes per day if you do it five days a week. Start with moderate-intensity, low-impact exercises such as walking, biking, swimming or water aerobics.
For more intense exercise, consider boxing, group fitness classes, running or hiking. At home, you can perform a circuit with a jump rope, burpees, stair steps and other activities that raise your heart rate.
No matter what your starting point, slowly add to it each week or month as you build up your endurance. You'll begin to reap the benefits of exercise right away once you get moving.
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